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Centre Connect Series Banner 1000wide

The Centre Connect Series brings together all Centres across the Zone to collectively address priorities identified by Centres and create a platform for knowledge sharing and Centre to Centre connection.

This series is interactive, sharing best practice, brainstorming ideas and innovations and builds on Centre connections, experience and knowledge of Centre personnel alongside regional/national, cross code insights and Zone knowledge.

Here you will find some useful resources gathered on topics addressed and summaries of the Connect Series learnings and discussions.

Thanks to our Centre Experts for sharing their knowledge and expertise and Jo Perry, Sporty for answering the tricky questions!

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Our May series tackled this hot topic hearing from Pia Bailey-Nowell, Games Administrator, Taranaki Netball Centre on how they have included boys in netball grades and built numbers in the boys/male space.  

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Our Centre Connect last week had some really useful tips and information for preparing funding applications and a new venture called Comm-unity was presented to us. Thanks to Heather from Papakura Netball Centre, Phil Vyver CEO Netball Northern, Doug Cowie and John Parker for sharing your knowledge and ideas with us.

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Thanks to Sharon Adams from Sport Northland who delivered the session on wellbeing and to Michaela Sokolich-Beatson who shared her journey over the years with us to enable us to relate how centres can make a difference in everyone’s wellbeing.

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