Our May series tackled this hot topic hearing from Pia Bailey-Nowell, Games Administrator, Taranaki Netball Centre on how they have included boys in netball grades and built numbers in the boys/male space.  

Irene Van Dyk, Netball NZ Participation Manager, spoke to the NNZ Males in Netball Working Group and final recommendations. Our Centre’s showed there is plenty happening in the boys/male space across Northern Zone and lots we can learn from each other as we navigate this new space. Some examples from our Zone:

Netball Waitakere have 10 mixed teams in their new Mixed Grade Secondary School comp, Whangarei are including Year 9 boys into existing girls teams this year, and Mangonui have expanded their Mens premier team to include a Secondary School boys team to play in their College grade.   It will be exciting to review these new projects at the end of the season to build our understanding and take learnings for 2023, and for other Centres who wish to try to increase male participation.

Please find the following information:

  1. Recording of CC Session Tuesday 10th May
  2. NNZ Male participation survey results
  3. Padlet notes of Break out room 1 (Room 2 chat was recorded)

If you wish to discuss any aspect of this topic further, please do not hesitate to contact your Centre Relationship Manager – Amanda or Karyne.